June 21, 2019

Something Insightful

Here is a small small speech that Carmen, one of the Ballet teachers, has said today:

"To be able to dance is a gift. But it takes diligence, and lots of hard work for it to feel like it ever can be so. You have to fall in love with the process of working and understanding every day, and create a work ethic for yourself. Otherwise, it can just feel like a burden. This is what differentiates between a student and a professional - the constant drive for technique in your dancing. And you can only think about yourself - when you start comparing with others and get distracted by how others work, that's when you run into problems. I love dancing and the dance world can be marvelous. But creating a work space for yourself is the only way to understand the joy and feel successful in the world of dance. I wish everyone can feel how marvelous the dance world is - but it's not for everyone. It is a special kind of focus, and if you can find it, you are on your way."

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