July 13, 2019

Responding to Creativesomething.net


Creative Something is a blog dedicated to discovering ideas and insights about creativity. Their most recent post, titled "Creating a mirror for your mind" really struck an interesting concept that had got me thinking about my own personal journey in dancing.

The post touches on the idea that the physical concept of mirrors is easy for us to grasp. "Mirrors tell us almost everything physically about the outside of our bodies. Are new having a good hair day? Does our outfit look attractive? Are the rings under our eyes getting softer or darker? Do we look how wet want to be perceived today?" Because of the nature of my career, I have to look at myself in the mirror for hours, almost every single day. As dancers are so in tune with our bodies, we become critical of the smallest flaws in our bodies, and judge the lines of our bodies, the size of our muscles, the movement and articulation of our feet, and everything in between. Although dancing comes across as what matters most is what is seen on the outside physically, what controls almost everything in dance is our mental clarity and focus. So why haven't I created a space to reflect on my mind just as I do in the mirror? As the post suggests, "For reflecting your thoughts and ideas you need a mirror for the mind. And there are a myriad of tools new can use to reflect what's going on inside our brains." the post suggests a personal journal is the best way to reflect your thoughts. It is hard to know wheat our thoughts are doing unless we put them in a place few can reflect on them.

I've always struggled with finding peace with the way my body looks and the way my dancing looks. I had never felt satisfied whether I am in the best shape or the worst shape - it never felt right for me. But I am now wondering how much my thoughts could change in the mirror, if I reflect on my thoughts more - not just in my head but having a space to physically write them down, log the process in a journal for myself.

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